資格外活動/Shikakugai Katsudou




  • 無許可で在留資格以外の収入を伴う活動を行えば、退去強制事由となる
  • 許可取得後も、与えられた条件に違反すれば許可取消の対象となる場合がある
  • 行なう予定の活動の内容、現在の在留資格によって許可取得が不要な場合もある


If you are thinking about getting the income from the activity which is not involved in your original status of residence, you will need to apply for “Permission to Engage in an Activity Other Than That Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted” (hereinafter referred as Shikakugai Katsudou).

Typical case is the student’s part time jobs.

When you are going to do, or apply for Shikakugai Katsudou, you have to be careful with these rules.

  • Getting income from activities that are not permitted by the present status of residence can be a reason of enforced repatriation.
  • If you violated the condition of Shakakugai Katdusou permission, it can be a reason of revocation of the permission.
  • Depending on the content of activities or your present status of residence, you may not need to apply for Shikakugai Katsudou permission.

If you are not sure whether you need Shikakugai Katsudou permission or not, please feel free to ask Co-en office.