行政書士 幸圓(こうえん)事務所のホームページをご覧頂きありがとうございます。
幸せ、円満、円滑な問題解決を、行政書士 幸圓事務所がお手伝いさせていただきます。
- 遺言・相続
- 許認可申請(建設、宅建、飲食店等)
- 在留資格申請取次
- 法人設立・契約書作成
Thank you for visiting Co-en Office‘s website.
Co-en office is foreigners friendly Gyoseishoshi lawyer’s office located in Amagasaki, Hyogo, where close to Osaka, Kobe, and even Kyoto.
Based on the office policy, not only immigration and visa counseling, Co-en office can offer sincere and qualified support on,
- Drafting & checking contracts
- Drawing up a will
- Car ownership registration
- Other administrative procedure
Counseling is available both in Japanese and English.
Please feel free to contact.
<事務所案内:Offece Info>
行政書士 幸圓事務所:Co-en Office
代表行政書士 太田幸暢(オオタユキノブ):Yukinobu Ota, Gyoseishoshi Lawyer
〒660-0807 兵庫県尼崎市長洲西通2-8-25(最寄駅:JR尼崎駅または阪神大物駅)
2-8-25 Nagasu-nishidori, Amagasaki, Hyogo