After getting the Status of Residence, you will need to pay attention to the Period and Status of your stay (both of them are written in your Residence card). If your period of stay is going to be expired, or the status of residence has changed, you need to apply for “Extending Period of Stay” or “Change of Status of Residence“, or both.
在留期間更新/Extending Period of Stay
- 在留期限3ヶ月前から期限当日まで申請することができます。
- 期限を1日でも超過した場合、超過残留(オーバーステイ)扱いとなるので注意が必要です
If you want to extend the permitted period of stay without changing the present status of residence, you need to apply for “Extending Period of Stay”.
- Application can be accepted from the 3 months before the day of expiration to the day of expiration.
- If you keep staying in Japan after the day of expiration (even if it were only 1 day), it will be regarded as illegal overstaying.
在留資格変更/Change of Status of Residence
If you are going to change the present status of your residence, you need to apply for “Changing of Status of Residence”. (Ex : Study→Work, Short Stay→Marriage, Engineering→Manager, Spouse→Long Term Resident, etc…)
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