在留資格認定証明書/Certificate of eligibility



  • ビザの発給に時間がかかってしまう
  • 日本にやって来て上陸申請時に、外国人の方自らで、自身が申請に係る在留資格に適合していることの立証をする必要が生じる



  • 既に日本に滞在している外国人の方で、ご家族ビジネスパートナー等を本国から呼び寄せたい方
  • 日本の会社で外国人の方を雇用技能実習企業内転勤等で受け入れたい方


Application for Certificate of Eligibility is the procedure that strongly recommended for people who are planning to stay in Japan for mid-long term.

By presenting the Certificate of Eligibility,

  • Visa application can be quick and smooth.
  • At the time of landing in Japan, landing inspection can be quick and smooth.

Certificate of Eligibility can be issued for various kinds of jobs and status. For example,

  • If you want to invite your spouse, family, or business partners from your home country,
  • If your company wants to accept foreigners for employment or training,

Please feel free to ask Co-en office (No charge for the initial consultation).