Car Registration (Initial / Alternation / Transfer / Deletion)

Gyoseishoshi Lawyer,Amagasaki,Osaka,Nishinomiya,Itami,Takarazuka,Ashiya,Kawanishi,Co-en office,car,motor vehicle,registration,procedure,scrap,transfer,agent,Hyogo

(If your car is Kei car, please check here)

In case you,

  • Purchased a new / used car (Initial)
  • Sold, transfered, or scrapped your car (Transfer / Deletion)
  • changed your address or surname (Alternation)

you need motor vehicle registration procedure.

The motor vehicle registration consists of the following processes.

  1. Gathering necessary documents and forms.
  2. Fill out all the necessary forms.
  3. Submit all the documents and forms to the Transport Bureau.

The motor vehicle registration is not too hard, but it still takes a certain amount of time and effort.

However, you can save your time and effort to the minimal amount by hiring Gyoseishoshi Lawyer.

If you are a car owner living in Kansai area (Amagasaki, Ashiya, Itami, Nishinomiya, Kawanishi, Takarazuka and Osaka-city), please feel free to ask Co-en Office (No charge for the initial consultation).

Contact form is here.


Fee (to the Gyoseishoshi Lawyer):¥6,480

In addition to the fee, you need the following cost on the motor vehicle registration procedure.

  1. Registration fee:¥700(Initial)¥500(Transfer)¥350(Alternation)
  2. Number Plate fee:¥1,960(Requested number plate : ¥4,900
  3. Inspection fee(Initial):Actual expense
  4. Automobile tax and Automobile aquisition tax(Initial / Transfer):Actual Expense
  5. Vehicle weight tax(Initial):Actual expense